Humans Are Broken. We Aren’t Made To Want To Help Each Other.
It is not in our DNA. We are designed to self-preserve. We don’t naturally think about helping. We think about hurting. Hurting others so that we may prevail. So that we can get more. So that we can ensure our survival.
There are two kinds of leaders.
- “Me Leader”
- “We Leader”
The first cares about themselves and what the team can do for them. Where the team can take them? What the team can help them acquire? They put the team second to their own desires. Sometimes they don’t even think about the team. They are oblivious to their existence. They climb the mountain on the backs of the men and women that work FOR them. A Me Leader knows the art of avoiding blame. They consistently showcase what they have done and where others have failed.
A We Leader worries about the team and their families. A We Leader loses sleep over whether or not they can continue to keep the organization whole because there are so many families that require it. They hope that they can find the strength to keep pushing. When they think about quitting they think about the team. They think about their duty to that team. Duty and loyalty are important words to them. They know that although they might not be the best leader for them they are their leader for now. And with that comes real responsibility.
You have never worked FOR a We Leader; you have worked WITH a We Leader. During that time they prayed that their net impact on your and your life was positive. But if you ask them, chances are they don’t think so.
What kind of leader are you?