Growth Culture: Just Make Better

I continue to bump into people in our organization who want perfection. It’s hard for them to conceptualize the idea of experimenting. Iterating until we get it right.

It's broken today.

It's not their fault, they don't feel safe.

They don't know it is okay to make mistakes.

They don't want to show vulnerability or weakness.

My fault.

We set benchmarks, often arbitrarily, and say do X. Maybe those targets are what cause a risk-averse culture. It's likely that fear causes risk-averse cultures but fear of missing those targets doesn't help. Those targets keep us focused. Maybe too focused as opportunity goes by just out of sight.

I’ll take progress, sprinkled with a few mistakes, over waiting for perfection.

Growth, not performance. How are you growing? (personally and professionally) How are you growing the organization? How are you growing your relationships? How are you helping others grow? Think small. Work hard. Get good. Just try. Fail. Try again. It's okay.

'Make Better'... every day. Do. Learn. Make Better. Repeat.

Make the process better. The product better. The team better. Yourself better. The world better.

“You can do nothing about yesterday, and the only way to improve tomorrow is by what you do today.” – Coach Wooden